Friday, March 11, 2005

Moshi Moshi

So after months of waiting, preparing and anticipating I finally set in motion the next big trip. First stop Tokyo, Japan home to endless noodle cups, ever present beer vending machines and sailor moon!

I arrived at around 1am Vancouver time so I after 10 hours on the plane I was feeling a bit sluggish, but I rustled some `happy to be off the plane` enthusiasm and headed for the city, which to my surprise was a little harder to do since I can`t read japanese!? ...I mean a few subtitles here and there would have been nice, but no worries. I made my way to the labyrinth train map, nailed down the route I needed to take to get the city and more importantly a bed/shower and used my vast knowledge of the japanese language to ensure I boarded the appropiate train. In other words I said `hello`, followed by a lot of smiling and pointing. It did the trick and after an hour and half of rolling through the misty suburbs of Tokyo arrived dead center of what I will now refer to as `mini-land`, everything... vehicles, phone booths, restaurants, drinks, meals, even this darn keyboard have all be guess is so they can fit more into the city, but that`s just a guess. So I did find my way to the hostel, not the one I was looking for, but nevermind that. After getting over the initial horror of what things cost here I did my best to speak japanese...all 5 words that I know (since I have yet to meet someone who speaks english, again it`s a lot of smiling and pointing).

I did manage to ignore the temptation to order some food from McDonalds in spite of being very nearly too hungry to play the `choosing what to eat by the picture on the package` game which for the record is harder to do than it sounds. I mean, sure there may very well be a donkey and an egg on that package, but that does not mean that it contains any trace of donkey OR egg. I got away with curry noodle bowl, strawberry yorgurt and a mini loaf of bread that tasted more like a donut. Hmmm, I wonder what the donuts taste like?

Ok, so it`s about 7am here and I`m off to explore and hopefully find my way back. There was no way for me to get pics onto this computer so ur going to have to wait for that part. Stay tuned, more to come. Sy-o-nar-ya


Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL! i think all the bread in asia is sweet and the doughnuts are actually salty.

12:01 PM  

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