Fotobaht & The Notorious Patpong/ Bangkok, Thailand

This is my sixth time in bustling Bangkok and it's funny to admit that it feels like my asian home-away-from-home. Good times in Bangkok...any place you can drink a cold beer in the balmy streets is alright in my books.
Sick of the familiarity of Khoasan Rob and I slipped through the grimy layer of tuk tuk touts , grabbed a cab and headed to the souless streets of Patpong. Similar to Khoasan it's loud, tacky, invasive and smeared with tourist garb, but with over 100 back-to-back, neon lit bars with names like 'Super Pussy' and 'Girls Galore' it's primarily geared toward men. A former base for GI's on R&R from the Vietnam War (also known as I&I, Intoxication&Intercourse) it has tamed somewhat, but the main product sadly remains the same.
On the side roads away from the glitzy dance bars we passed red lit windows behind by which young beautiful women waited patiently for their next 'job'. We live in a fucked up world where people are displayed for sale like the latest mobile phone.
Back on the main strip we continued to be pestered endlessy by salesman vying for our cash in exchange for everything from CDs and knockoff shoes to jewllery and drugs. No thank you, no thanks, I don't want that, don't need that, no, no, no. It wasn't until a guy shoved brochure advertising young naked boys in my face that snapped and nearly bit his head should have seen the look on his freightened face, it was priceless, it even startled Rob who was right behind.
It was time to go.