Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Dim Sum & Den Some / Hong Kong

I'm sure most of you have heard the expression 'what a difference a day makes' right? Well, I'm a little further down the long and winding path which I have chosen and there have been 12 such days since the last time I was able to update this site. For some unknown reason I was unable to access the blog at any point in mainland China...which is a shame, because since then...uh, I've had several things to report (by several, I mean..about 500!!!). The following will be my best attempt at summing them up in a relatively entertaining fashion while simultaneously trying to preserve my fingers and your eyes by not making it too painfully long and/or breaking it up in several shorter doses. Having said that, you'll be pleased to hear since leaving Japan I have not seen (or heard) any sign from the girl in "The Grudge".

Ni Hoa Hong Kong! A city of contrasts and almost 7 million people, where 60 year old motorcycle taxis rattle along side late model Ferraris competing for space in a buzzing metropolis that has long since used up that resource. I made my flight, crashed in the airport and hopped the first bus into Tsim Sha Tsui, the 'backpacker ghetto' of Central Kowloon, checked into a 'luxurious suite' got cleaned up and headed out to explore. What I found was a the closest thing I think the Chinese have to New York City. With an inescapable blend of glittery store fronts, modern high rises, crumbling apartment blocks and dusty neon signs. Cars honking, music blaring, people yelling, the smells of a dozen noodle shops and bakeries wafting through the air, it's nothing less than a bombardment of the senses! I could go on forever really, but I won't.

If you ever get a chance, go there, see for yourself, wander the streets, take a tram, eat dim sum where the menu is ONLY in Chinese and definitely get to the top of Victoria Peak so you can peer down from the viewpoint (1810ft above sea level) at one of the most breath taking cityscapes on the planet!

ps. If you can, take your better half.


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